Data Collection
ShopWorX ERP


Bar coded Shop Orders, Employee Badges, Supervisor Badges, Indirect Cards, and Scrap Cards eliminate keying errors and redundant recording of data.

More Timely Information

Critical Shop Order, Employee, and Work Center status information can be reviewed in real-time.

Improves Productivity

Save time by eliminating manual time cards and the subsequent data entry process required with manual time cards.

Adds Value To Other Applications

The online updates provide Shop Orders, Costing, Scheduling, Panorama, and Payroll with immediate and accurate information.



The Data Collection module adds value to the Shop Order, Costing, Scheduling, Panorama, and Payroll modules by providing more timely and accurate information. By utilizing bar coded employee badges, supervisor badges, shop orders, labor tickets, scrap codes, and indirect labor codes, more accurate and timely reporting is done directly from the shop floor.

Employees clock into the system when they arrive at the start of their shift. As they start working on shop orders or indirect jobs, they scan their employee badge, shop order, and operation. This will provide information about who is working on what and when. At the end of the operation or when changing operations, the employee scans their employee badge. The system will display a list of the shop order(s) that have been started by the employee; the employee then scans the shop order(s) and operation(s) finished. It then prompts them to enter completed pieces, scrapped pieces, a scrap code, and if the operation is complete. The employee may then clock into a new shop order or against an indirect operation. The shop order status, shop order cost, payroll, employee efficiency, and work center histories are updated.


Completely Integrated Solution
Designed to work as a whole, the data collection module and shop floor data terminals communicate without the problems associated with stand-alone systems. InterNetworX is responsible for the complete implementation, giving you a single source of support.

Parameter-Driven Collection
This module provides the ability to define shift start and stop times, grace periods, breaks and lunch periods. You also define whether breaks and lunch are paid, and whether they are to be automatically deducted or require clocking in and out.

Data Verification
Simply by using bar coded input, you will realize a much higher degree of data accuracy than with manual time cards.

Reporting variations in setup time, run time, and pieces produced directly by the employee at time of reporting, and to supervisors at end of shift, empowers your shop floor to correct minor production problems before they become costly customer problems.

Knowledge is Power

  • Give your customer service department the power to inform with accuracy and confidence.
  • Give your scheduler the power to make informed decisions for directing resources.
  • Give your shop floor the power to do their best.
  • Give your accounting department the power to provide timely and meaningful financial reporting.
  • Give your company the best chance to excel.

Data Collection Integration
  • Panorama
  • Quoting
  • Shop Orders
  • Scheduling
  • Time Reporting
  • Costing
  • General Ledger

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